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Waynio's design

Intranuc by Wayne Wilkinson (Waynio) 
Project Log: 

Waynio's design harks back to his awesome Stealthlow scratchbuild, with his hand-held cutting results just beautiful to behold. The same looks set to happen here with Intranuc.

Intel NUC case competition update Intranuc by Wayne Wilkinson (Waynio) 


Intel NUC case competition update Intranuc by Wayne Wilkinson (Waynio)

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Intel NUC case competition update Intranuc by Wayne Wilkinson (Waynio) Intel NUC case competition update Intranuc by Wayne Wilkinson (Waynio)

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Wayne has replaced the cooler housing on the NUC motherboard with this swoon-worthy metal shroud. The brass grille covers look spectacular too, and are a welcome surprise as we didn't see them in his initial renders.

Intel NUC case competition update Intranuc by Wayne Wilkinson (Waynio) Intel NUC case competition update Intranuc by Wayne Wilkinson (Waynio)

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Intel NUC case competition update Intranuc by Wayne Wilkinson (Waynio) Intel NUC case competition update Intranuc by Wayne Wilkinson (Waynio)

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What a fantastic case. We can't image how many hours of scroll-sawing and sanding it took to get this far but remembering the case is only a few inches high, it's one of the cutest and most intricate scratch-built PC cases we've ever seen. Make sure you check out Wayne's project log for the latest updates.

That's all for this update. There's a little over a month to go for the deadline so we'll hopefully be back in a couple of weeks with more eye-candy.

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